Semana Santa

I'm heading out to a few of the villages this week for holy week, with a few religious sisters, in "mission". The communities cluster together to plan and share a holy week celebration - for me, that's basically staying out of the way! But I'm looking forward to it, and it looks like I won't have internet access until Easter... Have a blessed Holy Week and Easter if you're reading this! The other day, I was able to lead a liturgy of the Word in a fairly new, little village, a place that it seems not too many people look forward to going to. But I do. It's a place that I hope to be going back to and begin getting to know the people more and starting some fun and creative evangelization. We'll see ...

Here's a short clip from Palm Sunday today in the church. In the day, it's been about 90 degrees here in the shade, the humidity must be 90%, and the sun around noontime must be probably the hottest that the planet sees....

And here's a traffic jam on the way back from one of the palm Sunday celebrations in one of the recintos. Moooooooove!


And a few days ago, I really wanted to hop into this river. Don't you? I'll meet you there:
