Saying Goodbyes in Boston

Before leaving, I was able to spend some time in the last few weeks with local friends. It's always a sort of sad-happy time in leaving one place for another!

Here are a few photos from some final moments with the Ecuadorian community and the Hispanic community at St Anthony Shrine. I will see everyone when I get back!

With friends in Lawrence:

With the choir at St Anthony Shrine in Boston. I had been playing the charango and singing with them at the Sunday Hispanic Mass

At St. Anthony, several of us had dedicated a lot of time to making hand-made bracelets to bring for the kids. Although we were missing a few on Sunday, we were able to get a photo of some of us:


And, finally, we were able to get a picture of a bunch of the folks from after the Mass. Afterwards, a bunch of us went out for lunch.


There's a lot happening in turning barriers into bridges!