A very brief update as I prepare to fly back to Boston on Wednesday.
So far, I’ve been pretty good. My blood pressure has been up and down a bit, and I don’t feel like I’m back to normal yet. Effectively, attention was paused until I get back to Boston, and I have a doctor’s appointment the day after I arrive. Hopefully that begins the process of a pathway forward.
I recently looked more closely at my EKG, and noticed that it was labeled as probably abnormal, with suspected problems in the right ventricle, which is related to pumping blood into the lungs. As an engineer, I decided to explore reading EKGs, and it seemed to me like there could be some sign of that, though it could also be in the normal range. I’m wise enough to know that it needs someone with experience to look at it, but also it’s not something to play around with. That’s one of the reasons why I took the conservative path of staying put these days until I get back to Boston and more attention.
I’ve been exercising every day, walking out in nature each morning for an hour or more, and dong some programmed stretching and plyometric exercises for my hip. I’ve changed my diet somewhat (no alcohol or caffeine for now), and I hope to continue the exercise in Boston.
The Last Month
Since there really hasn’t yet been an investigation into what happened to me health-wise, I thought it wise to stay here in Mindo for the rest of my time here in Ecuador. I didn’t make it to Chontal, nor Puerto Quito.
Ines from the church in Chontal came to visit me one day, and handed me the $100 that the community donated to me from the Christmas novena. I was very touched and grateful. I had hoped to make it back for New Year’s, and then Epiphany, but each time I didn’t see enough stability in my health to push it.
Two friends, sisters Anita and Rosemary from the Franciscan Missionaries of St Joseph, in Puerto Quito, came to visit me in Mindo. They brought some gifts as well, and graciously took me out to eat. It was a great day just to be sharing with friends, and I’m very grateful to them.
In Mindo, I go walking every morning, and I’ve gotten out to explore the entire place out to its limits. There are some great photos here to check out:
Mindo scenery: https://photos.app.goo.gl/dufFkKEP92mDw1kv9
More scenery: https://photos.app.goo.gl/YEkDrnLPfqvLGUUB6
I continued to write reflections, spend time with friends like Antonio, and worked on the English pronunciation course I’m preparing. I’m now hoping to offer it online to people of Chontal and other Ecuadorians I’ve met who are interested in language, after I get back to Boston.
Finally, it looks like I’ll have some work soon when I return to Boston, back in the Harborside School in East Boston where I was working before I left. This is more good news.
There’s more I could share, but that’s it for now. Please keep me in prayer, and I hope to have more to share after things settle out for me in the transition back.
God bless,
Each time I return to Boston, I think of Jesus’ path returning to the Father in the resurrection and ascension:
“I came from the Father and have come into the world. Now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father.”
PS, thank you again to everyone who has donated to the End of Year Fundraiser, it’s greatly appreciated, especially with current events. I will continue to leave the fundraiser open for a little while longer, just in light of the new medical costs 😞. But again I’m very grateful for everyone who has given so far, and very happy for the support. It’s Good News that really makes a big difference!