In May 2015, I helped out the Family Missions Company missionaries receive a short-term mission group from Louisiana. I had been in contact with missionaries Ryan and Jason with FMC for a while about making a visit to get to know their community a bit, and it worked out for me to come and help out in the mission. This mission was located in Puerto Misahuallí, which is located in the Oriente on the Napo River. I joined in with the missionaries Ryan, Jason, Candice, and James to receive the students (along with their guides) who had just graduated from high school. My own experience with the culture and language allowed me to fit right in and be helpful, and it was easy to get to know the local people and the missionaries. It was a really special time, and we all bonded in a special way with each other and the local people. I hope to go back someday...
The experience also gave me some new ideas and solidified some of my own ideas on the hosting that I would like to do as Barriers To Bridges.